Anxiety Disorders: The Go-To Guide for Clients and Therapists

Type: Book

Title: Anxiety Disorders: The Go-To Guide for Clients and Therapists

Author: Carolyn Daitch

Year: 2011
Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
City: New York City
Country: USA

ISBN: 978-039370628
Type: paperback
ISBN pages: 243


As its title suggests, 'Anxiety Disorders: The Go-To Guide for Clients and Therapists' is a comprehensive resource, suitable both for individuals who struggle with anxiety and anxiety-based disorders, as well as the clinicians who treat them. From her perspective as a seasoned therapist and acclaimed author, Carolyn Daitch guides readers through Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Specific Phobias, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, detailing recovery options for each, as well as explaining their multiple causes and most effective treatment techniques.

Anxiety disorders are now recognized as some of the most common psychological disorders, and have been shown to be treated most effectively when the client is knowledgeable and actively involved in their therapeutic process. Toward that end, Daitch provides suggestions for lifestyle changes, nutrition, medication and self-help techniques, as well as numerous case examples of individuals who have learned how best to adjust these tools to suit and manage their specific anxiety issues and needs. An invaluable resource in understanding and alleviating panic, worry, compulsiveness, and phobias, this guide will prove engaging and reassuring to patients and therapists alike.

(Sasha Dmochowski)


Author's institution: Center for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders, Farmington Hills, Michigan
Language: English
Country origin: USA

Entry number: 4112
English version:

Entry source: USABP Keeping in Touch Newsletter Issue 44
Entered by: Tanice Prince
Entry date: 20 April 2011

Key Phrases: Anxiety - Anxiety-based disorders - Panic - Phobias
References: Index
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