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Journal Articles - 1 to 20 of 2056 | Next Last

Type Title Author
Journal '.. it was as if a light came on.' Ferguson, Wanda
Journal 'About a Body: Working with the embodied mind in psychotherapy' Westland, Gill
Journal 'Bewegung ist Leben' Gespraech mit dem Koerper-Therapeuten Thomas Hanna Hanna, Thomas (Interviewpartner)
Journal 'Cognitive behavior therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome': Ms. Deale and colleagues reply. Deale, Alicia; Chalder, Trudie; Wessely, Simon
Journal 'Functional relaxation' as a method of anthropological medicine. Klotz, Marion
Journal 'Functional relaxation' reduces acute airway obstruction in asthmatics as effectively as inhaled terbutaline Loew, T. H.; Siegfried, W.; Martus, P.; Tritt, K.; Hahn, E. G.
Journal 'Functional relaxation' reduces acute airway obstruction in asthmatics as effectively as inhaled terbutaline Loew, T. H.; Siegfried, W.; Martus, P.; Tritt, K.; Hahn, E. G.
Journal 'Funktionale Relaxation' reduziert akute Atemwegsobstruktion bei Asthmatikern genauso wirkungsvoll wie inhaliertes Terbutalin Loew, T. H.; Siegfried, W.; Martus, P.; Tritt, K.; Hahn, E. G.
Journal 'In Flammen stehen': Ein Beitrag zum Verstaendnis der Erythrophobie Janz, Gabriele
Journal 'It's the law' - How to bring forth children in sorrow Campbell, Robert
Journal 'Mesmerism' - a forerunner of psychotherapy Hoff, Paul
Journal 'Mesmerismus' - ein Vorlaufer der Psychotherapie Hoff, Paul
Journal 'Movement is life'. Interview with the body therapist Thomas Hanna Hanna, Thomas (Interview partner)
Journal 'Organic unity theory: The mind-body problem revisited': Comment Setterberg, Stephen R.
Journal 'Organic unity theory: The mind-body problem revisited': Comment Knobloch, Ferdinand; Hahn, Martin
Journal 'Organic unity theory: The mind-body problem revisited': Reply Goodman, Aviel
Journal 'Soma and its production are twins' The formative understanding of literature and Formative work with poetry Kummer, Ir
Journal 'Survivors of phtysical and sexual abuse': Reply Cornell, William F.; Olio, Karen A.
Journal 'Telepathy and mind-brain dualism': Comment Rivas, Titus
Journal 'The cosmic pulse: Where sex and spirit meet' Silver, Nina