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Theses & Dissertations - 1 to 20 of 33 | Next Last

Type Title Author
Dissertation (Complex backgrounds of body oriented psychotherapies by the example of the functional relaxation by M. Fuchs) Scholz Glade, Ursula
Dissertation A comparison of patients' assessments of Behavior/Eclectic, Bioenergetic, and Psychoanalytic psychotherapists Johnson, Stephan P.
Dissertation A phenomenological study of the effects of Bioenergetic Therapy on six areas of human experience Sheridan, L.J.
Dissertation A study of inwardness-outwardness: The relationship of extraversion-instraversion, barrier score, and Bioenergetic character structure Berkowitz, Sheldon A.
Dissertation A study of the relationship between Bioenergetic character types and somatotypes Sucec, Marian J.
Dissertation An exploratory study into the Krepack, Alan F.
Dissertation An investigation of relationships between the Bioenergetic Therapist's diagnosis of patient's character structure and developmental status and patient's MMPI profile Scott, George T.
Dissertation An investigation of selected associations between personality traits and the human muscular-skeletal structure King, Christie A.
Dissertation Bioenergetic Analysis and the MMPI: A Validity Study Carl H. Shubs, Ph.D.
Dissertation Character structure and psychophysiological response Pinhey, Christopher M.
Dissertation Comparative body therapies and a scale for the diagnosis of Bioenergetic body types Kerberg, Daniel J.
Dissertation Complex backgrounds of body oriented psychotherapies by the example of the functional relaxation by M. Fuchs Scholz Glade, Ursula
Dissertation Das Leib-Seele-Problem - Entwicklungspsychologische Grundlagen fuer eine koerperorientierte Therapie am Beispiel der Konzentrativen Bewegungstherapie Cserny, Sylvia
Dissertation Evaluacija uspesnosti edukacije psihoterapeuta u primeni Radix psihoterapeutshog metoda Klisic-Dordevic, Ljiljana
Dissertation Evaluation of the success of Radix psychotherapeutic education and body oriented psychotherapeutic methods Klisic-Dordevic, Ljiljana
Dissertation Healing relationships through vulnerability: A feminist body-mind approach Silver, Nina
Dissertation Mythos Ganzheit? Die komplexen Hintergruende koerperbezogener Psychotherapie mit dem Beispiel der Funktionellen Entspannung nach Fuchs Scholz Glade, Ursula
Dissertation Mythos Ganzheit? Die komplexen Hintergruende koerperbezogener Psychotherapie mit dem Beispiel der Funktionellen Entspannung nach Fuch Scholz Glade, Ursula
Dissertation Psychosomatik in der Chirurgie des Mittelalters, besonders bei Henri de Mondeville Bosshard, Jurg A.
Dissertation Sexuality in the therapeutic process Hilton, Virginia