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[Effectiveness of relaxation groups in patients with chronic respiratory tract diseases]

Type: Journal

Article title : [Effectiveness of relaxation groups in patients with chronic respiratory tract diseases]

Author: Sachs G; Haber P; Spiess K; Moser G

Year: 1993
Journal: Wien Klin Wochenschr
Vol : Issue 105 : 21
Pages: 603-610


In the long term treatment of patients with chronic respiratory diseases, patient education contributes significantly towards improving the effectiveness of conventional drugs in the treatment of asthma specific complaints and anxiety, as well as playing a role in improved disease coping. The aim of this study was to verify whether relaxation training programs undertaken subsequent to patient education may have an additional effect with regard to both medical and psychological variables. Relaxation training encompasses the basic exercises of autogenics, as well as exercises of functional relaxation. 49 patients participated in the relaxation group (22 male, 27 female). The mean age was 50.5 +/ 16.5 years. The control group used was made up of 37 patients with chronic respiratory diseases (17 male, 20 female) who had received asthma education, but no further therapeutic intervention. Prior to and immediately after the relaxation training, the following investigations were undertaken: lung function, patient diary, Spielberger anxiety scale, Giessen list of complaints (modified and augmented) and Ziegler coping questionnaire. The linear rating scale model was used for measuring changes. The following significant changes were observed in the relaxation group as compared with the control group: decrease of trait fear, alleviation of asthma specific complaints and asthma attacks, decrease in sleep disturbances and in morning coughing urge, reduction in the required quantities of controlled dosage aerosol, and a modified attitude toward the disease in the sense of an improved subjective coping competence.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

------------------Translation ------------------
(original document in German)

'Zur Effektivitat von Entspannungsgruppen bei Patienten mit chronischen Atemwegserkrankungen'

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Author's institution:
Language: German
Country origin: Austria

Entry number: 1815
English version: of 1814

Entry source: MEDLINE EXPRESS (R) 1993-1995
Entered by: Dr Karin Tritt & Cou
Entry date: 7 June 2004

Key Phrases: Psychological Adaptation - Adult - Aged - Combined Modality Therapy - Lung Diseases - Obstructive psychology - Relaxation Techniques
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