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Type: Journal

Article title : (Bioenergetics)

Author: Fourcade, Jean-Michel.

Year: 1982
Journal: Perspectives Psychiatriques
Vol : Issue 20 : 86
Pages: 119-131


An article about Bioenergetics


Author's institution:
Language: Fran
Country origin: France

Entry number: 2140
English version: of 2148

Entry source: From a bibliography of John May, Ph.D., Gateways: A Growing Place, 222 W. Argonne Dr., St. Louis, MO 63122. (314) 822-7972 phone & fax. mayway@earthlink.net e-mail. Permission has been given to use the information contained herein as the author has been properly cited as the source.
Entered by: John May & Courtenay
Entry date: 10 July 2002

Key Phrases: Body-oriented- Bioenergetics
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