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A case of masochism

Type: Journal

Article title : A case of masochism

Author: Baker, E.

Year: 1972
Journal: Journal of Orgonomy
Vol : Issue 6 : 1
Pages: 16-31


*** NOTE ***
Currently there is no abstract written for this entry. This might be because we cannot translate the original abstract, or we do not have reference to the original source material. This is where you can help.
EABP is prepared to pay the equivalent of 1 Euro (or US $1.00) for someone to write this abstract.
If you have access to the original, please help us by doing so ... or please translate the English Abstract (see English Version No. above). Please also translate words in other fields (where appropriate) e.g. Key Phrases, etc.
Thank You so very much.
Please send to Courtenay Young (bibliography@courtenay-young.com)


Author's institution:
Language: English
Country origin: USA

Entry number: 3611
English version:

Entry source: Courtenay Young
Entered by: Rhiannon Brislee-You
Entry date: 15 April 2006

Key Phrases: masochism
Other information: