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Healing pre-natal & peri-natal imprints nwithin a body-psychotherapy group

Type: Tape

Title: Healing pre-natal & peri-natal imprints nwithin a body-psychotherapy group

Presenter: Glenn, Marti

Year: June, 2002
Occassion of film/tape: Convergence & Emergence : 3rd National USABP Conference: Seminar
Location of film/tape: Johns Hopkins University: Baltimore MA

Running time / reel: / 1 tape
Format: Audiotape cassette


Our earliest somatic experiences - gestation, birth, and bonding, - create imprints that shape the foundations of our health, personality, and relationships. This presentation focuses on new theories and methodologies that incorporate the use of somatically oriented group processes in healing early imprints. The use of sensory awareness, somatic referencing, tracking potency, and following the clues of the autonomic nervous system, as well as specific group therapy techniques, were explored.


Author's institution: Santa Barbara Graduate Institute, Sanata Barbara, CA
Contact: www.conferencerecording.com
Country origin: USA

Entry number: 1997
English version:

Entry source: Courtenay Young
Entered by: Courtenay Young
Entry date: 13 June 2002

Key Phrases: Somatic Experiences - Healing - Birth
Other information: