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Article or website name: Ethical and legal aspects of touch in psychotherapy
Author: Zur, Ofer
Institution: Zur Institute, Online Continuing Education
Country: USA
Type: Education
URL: www.drzur.com/ethicsoftouch.html
Introduction: This article accompanies the more comprehensive article "To Touch or Not to Touch." Together, these two articles provide extensive coverage of the issues of touch in psychotherapy and counseling. This paper is also a part of the "Touch in Psychotherapy" online course. It is the part of the course that is in fulfillment of the Law and Ethics requirement for California Psychologists, MFTs & LCSWs. This article provides general legal and ethical information on the issues of touch in psychotherapy and counseling. It is also designed to ensure that California psychologists, MFTs and LCSWs are provided with the relevant and most current and up-to-date information regarding the applicable California law, professional codes of ethics and ethical decision-making. The focus of the paper is on non-sexual touch that is employed as an adjunct to verbal psychotherapy. In addition to the discussion of California laws and regulations this article discusses the sections of the codes of ethics relevant for psychologists (American Psychological Association (APA) Code of Ethics), MFTs (California Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) Code of Ethics) and LCSWs (National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics). It provides additional information from the Code of Ethics of the United State Association of Body Psychotherapists (USABP). This last section is likely to be mostly relevant to those who use touch primarily as an intervention rather than as an adjunct to verbal psychotherapy. The relevant sections of these codes will be discussed and direct links to the codes online will be provided. State laws vary, and therapists must be informed about their own state laws.
Author's institution: Zur Institute Contact: drzur@drzur.com Language: English Country origin: USA
Entry number: 3293 English version:
Entry source: Courtenay Young Entered by: Courtenay Young Entry date: 15 November 2005
Key Phrases: Touch - Psychotherapy - Ethics - Codes - Statutes - Laws References: Codes; Statutes; Links Other information: